Personal and Classmate Profiles


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Ron Alper

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
After high school and college, Ron (a.k.a. Ronnie) worked for a bank and then went to law school. He worked in various legal positions with law firms and as a corporate counsel and then went to the Public Service Commission of Maryland (the state agency that regulates utilities) and has now been with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the federal securities regulatory agency) for over 25 years. When not practicing law, Ron lost on the television game show Jeopardy! (but at least he made it on), was an extra in movies with Steve Gutenberg and Frank Langella, and backpacked across Europe and separately visited the former Soviet Union and Belarus. He met his wife Lisa at the wedding of one of our classmates. They are the proud parents of twins Marissa (a freelance photographer in NYC – you can see her work in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Teen Vogue and other digital publications) and Michael (a software engineer for a large financial services firm – you can see his work if you get paperless statements). Ron started skiing and cycling late in life. He tries to get out West to ski intermediate runs with his son at least once a year and is an avid road cyclist, cycling 60 to 100 miles per week at a moderate pace.

Jolie Ancel

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
After high school, I attended University of Maryland, College Park. I received a B.S. in Psychology. Not knowing what to do after college, I took off a year and sold art supplies. Then I applied to a PhD program in Pharmacology. I was waitressing at the time, and liked that better than grad school, so after 3 1/2 years, I left my program. I began interning on film and commercial sets and moved to Los Angeles. I ended up working on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno as a Segment Producer for 17 years. I didn't meet Chuck, the love of my life, until I was 39 years old and then it took 4 years to get married. Sadly, he passed from leukemia, after we were married 10 years. He was only 61 years old. I then found work on a show called Home & Family on Hallmark Channel. That show ended after 8 years. Since work has been slow, I have become a Substitute teacher with LAUSD. We'll see how that goes! I'm also still single....

Cindy Bergstein (Epstein)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
I live in Columbia, Md. I am retired from the Howard County School System. In March my husband Joe and I will be married 39 yrs. We have 2 daughters. Erica works for University of Maryland Medical Systems as a Director of the Epilepsy Unit. Our younger daughter Sherri and her husband work for the Federal Government in the Navy. We are expecting our first Grandchild in May.

Richard Bernstein

Barry Bogage

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
After Milford, I went to University of Maryland, College Park. After graduating, I built a career in economic development, first in PG and Howard Counties and then internationally for the Welsh Development Agency and Maryland/Israel Development Center, from which I retired in 2021. I raised my kids in Montgomery County and moved to Columbia about 10 years ago. I have twin sons who both got married recently and, lucky for me, still live locally. I spend my time reading, writing, working out and playing golf (when my back lets me).

Lynne&Mark Braverman (Tannenbaum)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
Mark and I have been married for 46 years this November. Mark worked in the Steamfitters Union for 30 years before retiring and starting his own Handyman business. He totally retired when we moved to Round Rock, TX (suburb of Austin) in 2016. I have worked, managing dental offices for the last 40 years. I am now the National Dental Services Administrator for Vivent Health, a company that provides medical, dental, social services and financial assistance for those living with HIV. We have two wonderful sons, both musicians, and 2 beautiful grandchildren, 12 and 10. We all live within 20 miles of each other. I am still rocking out to the Grateful Dead and am fortunate that our younger son plays in Deadeye, a very popular Dead cover band here in Austin. We travel 3-4 times a year, one family trip with the whole crew and the others on our own or with friends. We try to go places we haven't been (I'd like to do all 50 states), or our favorite place, Bermuda. Life is good and it's wonderful to be able to share.

Michael Cohen

Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
Got a BA from Grinnell College and a PhD in organic chemistry from Brandeis University. Taught for a year at Long Beach State University, then in the defense industry, biotech, and in discovery at Eli Lilly. The last 14 years I’ve been a patent examiner at the US Patent and Trademark Office.
LinkedIn or other public profile URL, if applicable.: Linked in.

Iris Cooley (Schwab)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
Received a BS in Electrical Engineering from University of Maryland. My career path brought me to Chicago where I met my husband, Craig, and started our beautiful family~2 daughters and a son. I was truly fortunate to experience a rewarding career within the industrial automation, electrification and robotics space, retiring in 2021 after 42 years. Retirement includes spoiling 4 adoring grandsons (between 1 and 4 years old), organic gardening, bird watching, biking, cherishing friendships, and exploring the world.

Lito Coronel

Barry Culman

Beverly D'Andrea

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
So, after we graduated I moved to Rochester,NY to attend RIT. After two years, I moved to NYC where I knocked around a bit before finishing up my schooling. I moved to Hoboken for a few years, married, then moved to Brooklyn and bore two (fabulous) sons. We moved to Montclair, NJ where I taught elementary math and science. My husband died in 2016, I retired in 2019, and now live in Saugerties, NY. See y'all soon.

Michael Dalcin (Dalcin)

Beverly Daniels (Cooper)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
I’ve been married for 43 years to Larry Daniels and we have lived in Notheast Baltimore County for the past 37 years. We have 4 beautiful daughters, 3 wonderful sons-in-law, 4 beloved grandchildren (2 girls, 2 boys) and another granddaughter due in March. After working many years as a Judicial Assistant in Federal Court, I pivoted in 2004 and obtained my property, casualty, life and health insurance license. I retired from the insurance industry in 2018 and have never looked back. I volunteered in the University Hospital NICU rocking fragile newborns until the pandemic shut down the program. My time now is consumed by caring for my grandchildren
LinkedIn or other public profile URL, if applicable.: Facebook Beverly (Cooper) Daniels

Gregory Davenport

Sal DiPietro

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
After college, I began a career in the insurance industry, initially as an underwriter, eventually becoming a broker and now am a principal/partner at a venerable independent insurance agency here in Baltimore. My greatest source of pride though, is my family. I have three beautiful adult children who are all thriving in their own unique ways. My oldest son, after graduating from Wake Forest, landed in NYC and is building a well respected reputation in the Ad-tech space. My younger son, a former Division 1 athlete, works as an Analyst for fellow alum Michael Bloomberg in Manhattan. His twin sister went to college out in Denver and never looked back. She has found her passion at a boutique event planning firm where she helps create some amazing experiences, far and near. Some of my fondest memories include all the exotic adventures we’ve taken together over the years. Being on or about the water has been my life long passion. I spent over 25 years as a competitive sailor on Chesapeake Bay and now find pleasure in cruising around with my S.O. onboard my Picnic boat STEADFAST. I recently joined the Board of Sail Baltimore, a non profit organization that is charged with bringing Tall Ships and Fleet Week to the Baltimore Harbor. Beyond that, I am hoping to become a snowbird in the not too distant future.
LinkedIn or other public profile URL, if applicable.:

Debbie Donahoo (Cohen)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
After high school, I attended the University of South Florida in Tampa. After graduating college, I worked for World Airways as a flight attendant for five years. I was married in 1985, and lived in Pikesville and raised three sons while working as a paralegal in an estate and trusts law firm in Baltimore City. Divorced in 1997, I remained in Baltimore County until 2014 when I moved to Harbor East where I currently live. I love living by the Inner Harbor, walking, running, biking and going to the gym. I retired in 2019 to spend time with my ever-growing family. I have three married sons, two in Baltimore and one in Austin, TX, and five grandchildren. I enjoy travel and spending as much family time as possible. I have been very blessed over the past fifty years.

Jeff DuBois

Marla Flecker

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gary frahm

Jeffrey Gittleman

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
I've been living in New York since I started law school in 1979. I met a New York girl (Pam) the following year. We have two daughters and two grandsons, all of whom, fortunately for us, live nearby. I retired from practicing law in 1989 and semi-retired from working in the financial world in 2002 at which point I became a school teacher. Since then I have been doing my best to change the high school math content students are required to learn. In 2020-2023, I developed and taught a new math course at Harvard as part of a fellowship there. I am back to teaching middle/high schoolers locally in Chappaqua, NY where I have lived for the past 35 years.
LinkedIn or other public profile URL, if applicable.:

Shelley Goldstein (Shannon)

Larry Gordon

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Lynn Gordon (Marcovitz)

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Joseph Greenbaum

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LinkedIn or other public profile URL, if applicable.:

Lauren Greenberg (Adler)

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Kathryn Hale (Rozelle)

Harriet Hardy (Levine)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
While studying computer science at UMBC, I got into a work/study program and started working at Social Security headquarters. After I graduated, they hired me permanently and I spent my entire career there. I started at a systems analyst and retired as a senior program manager. I met my husband, Skip, there and we’ve been married 41 years. Skip and I had a mutual love of sailing. We spent 20 years exploring the Chesapeake Bay. I retired early so we could go cruising on our sailboat. For most of 5 years, we cruised the east coast, spending winters in the Bahamas and sailing up to Maine. It was quite the life! After those adventures, we ended up living in Florida where we just enjoy life, music and world traveling.

Deborah Hermann (Marcus)

Cheryl Holland (Holland)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years: Attended Marquette University

Randy Jachman

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Esther Jacobson (Siegel)

Brian Kasik

Randy Kaynes (Goldberger)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
In 1977 I moved to New Jersey where I earned my master’s degree in speech pathology and audiology. In 1982 I married Bob Kaynes and moved to Columbus, Ohio. We raised two daughters, Jessica and Stacy, and they have blessed us with 5 grandsons. After raising the girls , I worked in various positions as a speech pathologist and an early intervention specialist. Bob and I are both retired now and enjoy playing with our grandsons and traveling ( mostly cruising). Can’t wait to see everyone at the reunion!

Brian Korzec

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LinkedIn or other public profile URL, if applicable.:

Jay Levin

Beth Levitt (Resnick)

Karen Levitt (Hoff)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
Moved to Central Virginia in 1985, worked as an Underwriter, had kids, became a yoga instructor, run my yoga studio and create artisan jewelry for emergency jewelry needs. Spirit home: Negril, Jamaica

Joann Levy

richard levy

Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
After high school, I graduated from Vanderbilt University in 1979, and then graduated from Northwestern University Dental School in 1983. While living in Chicago, working for another dentist, I met my wife Renee. We moved to Syracuse, NY in 1987 where i took over a dental practice for a retiring dentist. We have two daughters, Jordan, who also went to Vanderbilt and SUNY Medical School and is currently working for Legacy Rehab in Florida. My other daughter Molly is closing in on her Ph.D in Biology at Boise St. The pandemic was good for one thing as it persuaded me to retire in 2019. We moved to an historic neighborhood in Syracuse and there i became the campaign chair for a neighbor who ran for city council. That led to similar opportunities with other candidates and I was appointed to the Syracuse Review Board which provides oversight over the city police department. I also retired from running, but still cycle and walk, with or without my dog. I also am on our neighborhood board in charge of maintaining the many gardens on the median which bisects the neighborhood.

Rob Mandelberg

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
Retired living in Rehoboth Beach after 30 years government work.

Marla Markow (Smith)

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Cheryl (Cheri) McRaney (Bloom)

Ron Mitnick

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
Not long after graduating from Yeshiva College with a degree in Physics, I met and married my wife, Myrna (nee Barkey), who grew up in Seattle, Washington. We have been married for almost 45 years. We have 5 children, three girls and two boys, and thanks to their efforts and energy, we are blessed with 31 grandchildren. Professionally, I worked for over three decades in research and development in the fields of undersea surveillance and anti-submarine warfare, first at the United States Navy’s Naval Electronic Systems Command and then at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. I have also continued my life-long avocation of studying and teaching Biblical and rabbinic texts. In 2015, Myrna and I realized a long-held dream when we relocated to the city of Modiin, Israel, where we spend the majority of our time. I continue to work in R&D in atmospheric and underwater acoustics, both in Israel and in the U.S. I am also involved in the early stage of an Israeli start-up in the health care field. For recreation, I enjoy playing with our wonderful grandchildren, bicycling, and reading history and science material.
LinkedIn or other public profile URL, if applicable.:

Jodi Murphy (Jodi Green )

Cindy Myatt (Bennett)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
My last fifty years seemed to have blinked right by.     Following high school graduation I began working at Towson University, where I remained until my retirement in 2015 after 35 years of service. I married Clay Myatt in 1980 and we moved to Carroll County MD. We raised two fine sons and were quite involved in their sports and scouting activities. Clay and I enjoyed traveling, the beach, Car Shows, and were very active in our church.     As empty nesters we decided to move to first floor living in a golf course community in Gettysburg, PA. Unfortunately just two years after our move to our dream home, my husband lost his life to cancer.     I enjoy golfing but am a fair weather golfer. I’ve become active in my new community and enjoy the new friendships I’ve formed. My four young grandchildren are fun and keep me busy.     Fifty years have brought countless fantastic family memories and the forging of many forever friendships.

Gary Peisach

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
Worked in the food business for the last 46 years. From owning my own business, Ms Desserts to my last position with Saval Foods as the VP of Operations. I just recently retired. Still working part time as a consultant to Saval. From the days of the canned food drive at Milford to now, I still give back to the community through volunteering. i am currently on the Board of Directors of Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland. I am rich with grandchildren, having 6, 2 from each of my three children.

Pamela Platt (Straus)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
I got married during my senior year of college and Jeffrey and I just celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary!! We have 3 sons, 3 daughters in laws and 10 grandchildren. I have practiced Dental Hygiene for 45 years. Jeffrey and I have both recently retired so that we can spend more time traveling and being the our children and grandchildren!!

Gloria Prince(Bryant) (Bryant )

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
A Traveling LPN , US Army Veteran With 3 children 2 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren .

Craig Pritzker

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
Graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in Industrial Engineering in March 1980. Worked at the Naval Air Systems Command in Arlington, VA from May 1980 - May 1997 primarily procuring and testing Flight Simulators for various Naval Aircraft. Worked for the Marine Corps Systems Command at Quantico, VA from May 1997 - July 2016 as the primary Marine Corps Combat Identification Project Officer responsible for designing, testing, and fielding equipment to help reduce fratricide (i.e. Friendly Fire). Also from 1985- 2014 I was a Lacrosse Official and I officiated over 2,000 lacrosse games mostly at the High School and Junior League level. Retired in 2016, and now play Duplicate Bridge at high levels and have attained the rank of Gold Life Master. I also am a Duplicate Bridge Tournament Director and run a weekly sanctioned ACBL game. I have 2 grown children (Jennifer and Jill), and 2 Grandsons (Teddy, age 4, and Trevor, age 1). I used to be an avid runner, but I stopped running well over 12 years ago and now I'm an avid swimmer. I reside in Lake Ridge, VA (where I have lived since 1990).

Linda Rangos (Plant)

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Summary of your bio over past 50 years:
My life journey since high school has been filled with lots of love, laughter and great adventures. After graduating from college I embarked upon a 38 year career in education as a teacher and curriculum specialist. I have been married for 32 years and have 2 daughters who are making their contributions to the world as a high school math teacher and a pediatric endocrinologist. After retiring in 2018 I have been spending my time traveling, spending hours at the beach, lake or pool, playing pickleball, bike riding, going to concerts and watching lots of Oriole games. I was finally able to meet my teen crush, Roger Daltrey on one of the concert cruises where he performed 3 concerts over a period of 5 days. Life is good!